We are requesting all clients who can, submit their 2020 tax documents in an electronic format. We offer two secure options for the electronic transmission of tax documents:
1. You may upload your documents securely using our Citrix ShareFile portal. You may send documents to Owen via ShareFile using the following link: Click here to upload files. You may send documents to Eliot via ShareFile using the following link: Click here to upload files.
2. Our primary software provider, Thomson Reuters, offers an online portal system for users of the web organizer product. The portal system requires a unique username and password for each user, and documents uploaded to the portal are stored in a repository for future access.
Staff members are regularly working from both of our office locations and are monitoring the mail. No documents will be left unattended for an extended period and we will do our best to ensure that this information is collected and processed in an expeditious manner.
Yes, if you are weaing a mask and adhere to social distancing protocols you may briefly stop by our offices to drop off documents. If the State of Connecticut issues further restrictions this policy may change. Our preference is to have you use the collection bins just outside the doors to our offices. We will collect itesm from these bins on a regular basis and we will do our best to ensure that the information is processed in an expeditious manner.
Our offices are open for employees only. We will repoen our offices to clients as soon as we think that it is safe to do so. We are monitoring the situation and our partners are speaking daily. As soon as the decision is made to reopen we will communicate that to you.
The answer is probably. We are working under a hybrid model where some of our staff are working remotely while others are physically present in the office. This change has allowed us to implement social distancing protocols to ensure the health and safety of our team. It is probable that there will be some inefficiencies created by this change; however, we feel that this is currently unavoidable. We ask for your patience as we enter the busiest time of our work year.
The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“AICPA”) has established a Coronavirus Resource Center. As part of their efforts they are monitoring both state and Federal tax filing developments and they are updating their information regularly. Here is a link to the latest tax filing guidance on their website.
In response to the Coronavirus pandemic, federal and state governments have implemented an unprecedented number of programs. Below are links to various resources.